Thanks for playing the shareware version of Corncob 3D. If you enjoy this
game, please register for $15, or if you wish, purchase the magnificent
sequel, Corncob 3D Other Worlds Campaign, for just $20 plus $3 shipping. For
complete details on the Other Worlds Campaign, see Read This on the main menu.
For orders ONLY, call our 24-hour order hotline toll free from the US and
Canada -- 1-800-968-9684. For technical help or orders outside of North
America call 616-245-8376 during regular business hours.
The first time you play Corncob 3D there will be delay while the graphics
screens decompress. Corncob uses many digitized graphics, and to save you
download time, and to allow shareware disk vendors to fit the entire game on
one disk (this saves you money!), we've used advanced compression techniques
on these graphics files.
So once the game is installed on your hard drive, type CORNCOB, get yourself
a cup of coffee (decompression may take several minutes), and come back ready
to take on those aliens!