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January 22, 1999
-< information >-
title: las muzique: volume one
filename: muzakone.zzt
author: voighdt
size: 42.1 k
company: eaglerock interactive (
my email:
description: a music utility (similiar to "music isle")
-< construction >-
utils used: suburbia triumphant (a. testa)
known bugs: none
-< copyright / permissions >-
this music collection was created in 1998 and released in 1999. you can use any of the music in it, if you wish, for any of your own zzt games. the only thing i ask is that i wish to see my name mentioned in the credits. if i find a game with my muzak, and my name is not in the credits, then something bad will happen... i guess...
-< files included >-
muzakone.zzt; muzakone.txt
(remember, kids! don't distribute this utility without this text file!)
-the secret word of the day is: eggs.- = my frickin' writings page
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