Luís Oliveira
Chelsea Mafrica
Junhui Chen
Jay McAleer
Gennady Martynenko
Brian Dicks
Long Pham
Ben Moncuso
Jim Devine
Nicholas Alberts
Phillip Faust
Cullen Strouse
Christopher Iwaszko
Lenny Maynard
Ryan Pollich
Michael Okonski
Ryan Yoder
Raphael Cardoso Fernandes
Dr. Bruce Childers
Dr. Daniel Mossé
Dr. Alex Jones
Adam Hobaugh
The University of Pittsburgh
National Science Foundation
OCCAM is supported by the open art from various artists. Without their support of the commons, we would not be nearly as pretty.
Gear designed by Reed Enger from The Noun Project
Flask designed by Renan Ferreira Santos from The Noun Project
Fork designed by Dmitry Baranovskiy from The Noun Project
User designed by Andreas Bjurenborg from The Noun Project
Cpu (modified) designed by Michael Anthony from The Noun Project
Column (modified) designed by Benedikt Martens from The Noun Project
Gear designed by irene hoffman from The Noun Project
Game Controller designed by Jack from The Noun Project
Magnifying Glass designed by irene hoffman from The Noun Project
Bookmark (modified) designed by icon 54 from The Noun Project
Gear designed by Shawn Erdely from The Noun Project
Diagram designed by Aha-Soft from The Noun Project
Lock designed by Claudio Gomboli from The Noun Project
Custom Software designed by from The Noun Project
Album designed by Hello Many from The Noun Project
Sound Wave designed by Kid A from The Noun Project
Scale designed by Nikhil Dev from The Noun Project
I'm using some great code found here at this codepen by Qvcool for doing slider-like checkboxes. I've made some modifications to make it better suited to the theming and other styling of the page.
The OCCAM software project is proud to use and support the following software projects. This is nowhere near a complete list of open source software that we make use of. That list is almost impractical to generate!
Ruby - an expressive scripting language.
slim - markup preprocessor for html.
Sass - markup preprocessor for css.
minitest - minimal testing framework.
mocha - mocking/stubbing framework for testing.
PostgreSQL - robust SQL database implementation for deployed environments.
Sinatra - a minimalistic web framework for Ruby.
puma - a minimal webserver we use for development.
chronic_duration - a library to pretty print time durations.
i18n - internationalization library.
redcarpet - markdown parsing library.
capybara - acceptance testing selenium driver for the front-end.
Python - a robust scripting language.
pycryptodome - cryptography library.
pyyaml - YAML parser library.
bcrypt - bcrypt implementation.
pytest - Python testing framework.
tox - Python automation tool.
noVNC - JavaScript VNC client library.