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December 27, 1999
South Park ZZT Beta
MYoshiH Productions -
This is the beta version of my first ZZT game about the cartoon show
South Park. This one is geared toward the very first episode. Thus, with the help of the Narrator and some decisions, you will guide Stan through through the day. Upon the arrival at Stark's Pond and meeting Wendy, a space ship will land nearby. In the full version(when South Park ZZT is completed), you will have to go inside the alien space ship to rescue Ike, getting past all the puzzles and obstacles that get in your way. Information on other ZZT games I'm working on is included at the end of the demo.
This game was created with the aid of the following:
You MAY NOT use this game as a base to create other games, provided that credit is given.
However, you MAY distribute this package, provided that all accompanying files are included.
This text file is (C) 2000/1999 by MYoshiH Productions.
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