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[ c o n t e n t s ]
I; New text
II; Original text
____________________NEW TEXT FILE______________________
Title; Gunmetal
Author; hyde`
Genre; Action/Puzzle/WoZ
Gunmetal was my Weekend of ZZT game, however, had many bugs and was unfinished,
causing lower overall-quality. However, it still managed to score a 5.5/10 on the scoring
sheet, as well as 6th place out of 13 contestants. It should be fully playably, however.
_________________ORIGINAL TEXT FILE____________________
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Title: Gunmetal
Author: hyde`
Genre: Action/Puzzle
Weekend of ZZT 2007 #1
Kevedit: kev-san
Draco tool kit: Draco
Pure STK: Gregory Janson, Chronos, and WiL
(compiled by Dr. Dos)
ZBitmap: (com)buster
Hosted by Madtom
Topic was "crime"
You play as a cop in a once-peaceful city. However, once a secret
gang who called themselfs "Gunmetal" moved in, they've been causing much
chaos. They've done a pretty decent job of hiding from the cops, however,
they couldn't hide forever. The police department of the city had just
recently caught on to them and learned their many, many crimes. Conducting
a file on them, they put it aside and planned to work on it when everything
else was cleared. I mean, they haven't done anything _that_ bad, yet, have
they? Only you know what kinds of awful crimes are conducted in this gang.
There is no time to wait. You leave the house without even putting your
uniform on, and leave look for where the gang, Gunmetal, could be hiding out.
2007 hyde`
-=] Fix [=-
Fixed an object's code, placed a few essential walls, and changed a
breakable to an object where there'd be bullets. Yeah.
-=] Fix 2 ]=-
(com)buster pointed out a bug in one objects code. The original code was:
#put e key
#change key fake
The new code is:
#put e blue key
#change yellow key fake
This is the last patch I swear.
This section tracks other objects or external resources.
The external resources, such as tarballs or Git repositories, are then available as part of the object. Their files can be considered local to the object and usable in scripts or as part of a build process.
For resources that are only to be used as part of the build or runtime of the object, it is best to describe those local to those sections.
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