This shows the results of a search given the criteria provided by the search facet sidebar. Within the sidebar, a traditional keyword search can be provided. This will search for objects that contain the given text.
You can then further filter the results using the remaining sections that describe different facets. You can filter by the type by switching off types you do not care about. For the other sections, environment and architecture and tags, you can switch on the ones you do care about. Objects that do not match the switched on items will not be within the list. If all switches are off for the environment and architecture and tags, then the results will contain all items and not be filtered.
Back To Baghdad (Playable Demo)
DOS Simulation game from Military Simulations Inc. from 1996.
Chickie Egg
DOS Arcade game from Steve McCrea from 1996.
Locus (Playable Demo)
DOS Sport game from Zombie LLC from 1995.
Scorched Planet (Playable Demo)
DOS First-Person Shooter game from Criterion Studios from 1996.
Sentoo (Shareware)
DOS Fighting game from 47-TEK, Criterion Studios from 1994.
Spectre-VR (Playable Demo)
DOS First-Person Shooter game from Velocity Inc., Green Dragon Creations from 1993.