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Algorithm Part 1: Disco For Justice!
by Drong (Formerly known as Dron and Develin)
Genre: RPG/Nonsense/Comedy
Released on September 11, 2008 (my gift to the world, :_(never forget)
Released under: Awesome Corps
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Table of Contents=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
1. Game Info
2. Credits
3. Shoutouts to Everyone Ever
4. Bugs
5. Notes
6. Development History
7. Contact Me
8. Awesome Corps
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Game Info=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
A 2 years in the making experiment of mixing complete nonsense with actual RPG stuff, very heavily inspired by Zandor 12's Huh? (not released yet, but I've played betas of it) and Nadir's Frost. It has been in progress on and off since sometime in the first half of 2006 due to extreme lazyness, accidental HD wiping, and me deciding to change the plot completely over and over for no reason. Glad to have finally finished the darn thing already though. There are 2 more parts planned, might shrink or jump to 2 or 4 parts, we will see!
Gameplay: Drong
Game Design: Drong
Game Programming: Drong
Interactivity: Drong
Story: Drong
Modified ZZT: Drong
Other Related Crap: Probably Drong
Beta-Testing: Zandor 12, Surlent
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Shoutouts to Everyone Ever=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
Zandor 12
Thanks for introducing me to ZZT and for inspiring me to make Algorithm, also for beta-testing it. Good luck finishing Huh? man.
You're never on but still an all around awesome d00d, major thanks for beta-testing and all.
You're one of the weirdest people I've ever met.
Burglar was one of the most unique ZZT games ever.
You fell off the face of the Earth but were an awesome d00d.
Also an awesome d00d who fell off the face of the Earth.
Schrödinger's Cat
You were a random cool d00d, sad that you lost your Internet.
You're really cool for a Linux lover.
I don't know if you still even exist, but you were awesome.
You're a genius, d00d.
One of the very few cool people in the doom commune.
You're a great artist
Edible Vomit was one of the best ZZT games ever, also you're hilarious.
You also fell off the face of the Earth but were crazy and hilarious.
I have no idea what happened to you but you were were a really cool person! Also you were one of the rare Internet people who can actually make quality music.
You ate everyone's childrens lolz.
Another awesome d00d who vanished from the world
You're a cool guy.
For making me one of the bosses in Community is Falling 3
For playing this, and stuff
Whoever I forgot
Sorry d00d/d99d, I wrote this crap in a hurry, but I'll buy you a beer next time!
* Picking up a dollar gives you one health and some exp, dollars were obviously originally gems, and removing the health and exp gain is impossible to do in a hex editor, that or I was too lazy to find out how to.
* The RPG battles are usually random but CAN sometimes be extremely repetitive. (The enemy always doing the same attack, etc.) Blame ZZT.
* Play it with the custom ZZT file, it's not required or anything to beat it but it adds a lot to the playing experience. Also, play in full screen, playing in a window ruins everything.
* I realised kinda late that, due to working on Algorithm at 2 in the morning too often, I have somehow made Dron look happy.
* The first boards have a LOT more interactivity than the rest of the game because I was too lazy to make new boards and kept adding to them for no real reason for a long while.
* It's best to just run through Mummy Mountain instead of killing all of the golems
* Blues is only on the sidebar because torch had no purpose for being there and I didn't know what to put there that could fit there
* Dron and Drong both being aliases of mine is also a coincidence and they ARE supposed to be completely different characters, not alteregos or something.
* There are 4 secrets to find. If you want hints: one is in the Village of the Mayors, (look at the doors closely) two are in Castle Edible Salt (look for some out of place object outside the walls, also for the other one, pay close attention to what Drong says to the penguin next to the fountain the 2nd time you touch him, she drops a major hint without knowing it), and one is in your own house. (Read any good books lately? Look in the cupboard too..)
* EXP points are, at the moment, rather useless. This will be fixed in part 2.
* Richard Nixon and Edgar ARE more important than random people who appear once and vanish forever. I stuck them in kinda late so it seems like they're just pointless to the plot.
-=-=-=-=-=Development History=-=-=-=-=-
This is not complete but it's what I could remember and figure out from the IRC logs and old alphas/backups that I didn't lose. Not like anybody reads this stuff anyway lol.
v0.0 - Work on Algorithm began in early 2006, not sure of the exact date it did though. I replayed an early version of Huh? that Zandor 12 sent me and was really inspired. I was coming back into ZZT so I decided to make a game similiar to it.
v0.1 - Earliest alpha version of Algorithm that I was capable of locating, was sent out to a few people. It featured an almost empty title screen, a completely different intro, almost no capitalisation, etc. Many things were not drawn as well as they are now and the jokes were a lot less funnier and more repetitive. It only had the house (without the secret room) and everything outside before the forest. It also featured the original story which had the player as a nameless character, no Drong, Dron as an insane villain, and a host of other characters, including almost everyone in the #hehz0r community. There was also a city in the background of the house, not sure where I was going with that. Oh yeah, and this dates back to July 15, 2006.
v0.2 - The official alpha/beta/whatever if you will, from September 18, 2006. I sent this out to tons of people. Mostly everything from v0.1 remained the same, even the city and no capitalisation chicanery. However, the forest and the Mayorhouse were added. (not any of the other boards in the Village of the Mayors however.) It also featured several boards that are missing because they had no point once the story was changed. (They included a boss battle with Ray from the #hehz0r community, Satan confronting Dron, some monster creeping around in the forest plotting to kill the Player, a pointless cutscene of the player entering the Mayorhouse.) Once again, pretty inferior and not representative of the final product.
v0.2a - Found this in my E-mail, it's the same as v0.2 except it has an alright title screen that didn't make it to any other version. I suspect this is what I lost in the HD wipe, IT HAS RISEN FROM THE DEAD!
Tons of procrastinating went on here.
v0.3 - The "demo", I think I sent this out to random friends of mine, unless I didn't. Despite being from June 22, 2007, it's very similiar to the v0.2 from over half a year before due to procrastination. There are some barely noticeable changes and a few slightly important ones. It is actually following the 2nd storyline (I changed it twice) but there are remnants of the first one scattered all over the place.
v0.4 - Backup from July 11, 2007. Had several title screens (one real one and several ones in editor only boards) in fact, over 1/4th of this was editor only insanity. (Random ramblings, nonsense, unfinished boards that I can't figure out the purpose of, attempts to draw stuff, etc.) But besides this, not much progress from the last one, not surprisingly.
More tons of procrastinating went on here.
v0.5 - Another backup, this time from October 1st, 2007, when I decided to stop procrastinating and that I would get it done real soon. (lolz!) I finally settled on a title screen, though it's completely different from the final one, it's still alright. Places like the tavern and outside of the house actually look pretty similiar to what they are now and the full Village of the Mayors was begun. (Instead of it just being the Mayorhouse and nothing else.) There is also a very basic board that was supposed to be part of Castle Edible Salt. (Then Castle Hehz0r, a reference to what #hehz0r was supposed to be physically in some old RPG I was part of. I changed the name when I changed the plot again. (This one still involved a lot of people from the commune for no reason.))
v0.6 - November 28 backup, while I didn't quite get it done real soon, obviously, there is major progress in here from v0.5. The Village of the Mayors was complete, the final plot was created, Drong's cabin and the 2nd half of the forest was created, and more importantly, the RPG battle engine was begun. This, while being incomplete, was very representative of the final thing, at last.
v0.7 - From December 13. This one was pretty similiar to v0.6 except it had most of Mummy Mountain (except for that boulder puzzle and buggy golems.)
v0.8 - February 22 backup, most of the first half was exactly the same as it is now, the RPG battle engine was complete asides from a few bugs and tweaks that were added later. Castle Edible Salt still had minimal progress as I had no clue where to go with it.
vShoe - Began modifying ZZT with a hex editor using Viovis's guide.
v0.9 - March 28, most of the ending was still missing, the 2nd RPG battle wasn't done, and there were random bugs still around, etc. But for the most part this was complete. The modified ZZT was also complete at this point.
v0.9a - April 6th version, same as the final version except for random unfixed bugs, etc.
v1.0 - This version, the released version of Algorithm, the grand potato of the landrealm of lunch.
v1.2 - So many additions that 1.1 has been skipped and ready to go with mininmal testing. if you have any problems with bugs use ?zap. If a paaage takes you to the wrong board, simply go into the editor and put it on the right board. Thank you for your concerns.
-=-=-=-=-=Contact Me=-=-=-=-=-
If you have any comments/criticisms/complaints/flames/mail bombs/portable portals to a parallel dimension, contact me by one or several or all of the following methods!!11
E-mail me at
Get on and join #hehz0r.
Register and post on
Add me on AIM (DrongArenotacat)
-=-=-=-=-=Awesome Corps=-=-=-=-=-
An awesome ZZT company started by Zandor 12, a new solution for a new age! THE CURRENT MEMBERS LIST IS AS FOLLOWS, OR SIMILIAR TO WHAT FOLLOWS, OR THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF WHAT FOLLOWS!!!11
Zandor 12: Arch-Governor
Surlent: Secretary of Agriculture and of Cars that are also Robots
Schrödinger's Cat: Vicar
Nuero: Chancellor-Mayor
Drong: Brigadier Vice-General Incarnate
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Algorithm Part 1: Disco For Justice! (joke) ZZT World Distribution
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