AllegroHack is a graphical user interface for NetHack that utilises the Allegro library (hence the name). It allows to play with large graphical tiles at a variety of screen resolutions, and adds advanced graphical effects like dynamic lighting. Gameplay is not changed compared to vanilla NetHack.
Description by MrFlibble
Instruction / comment
IMPORTANT NOTE: To install, unpack into the destination directory, then replace the file cwsdpmi.exe in that directory with the one from, otherwise the game won't work in DOSBox. To change the screen resolution, edit the file defaults.alg.
This section tracks other objects or external resources.
The external resources, such as tarballs or Git repositories, are then available as part of the object. Their files can be considered local to the object and usable in scripts or as part of a build process.
For resources that are only to be used as part of the build or runtime of the object, it is best to describe those local to those sections.