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Title: Lalore, Land of Mystery
Author: Trilink -
Release date: April 1st 2001
Genre: adventure (fantasy)
Filename: LALORE.ZZT
Size (unzipped): KB 90KB
You must find your sister and prove she did not enchant a
blacksmith while reuniting the blacksmith with the daughter of
the lord of the city, the defeat the lord himself.
If you get stuck talk to people and keep doing things until
something does something different.
Begin construction date: 3-20-2000
End construction date: 3-20-2001
This game was created with the aid of the following:
STK, More STK, ZOP's mega color box, ZZT muisic maker
Trilink toolkit version 1.4, Trilink shades kit version 1.1
You MAY NOT use this game as a base to create other games.
Further, you MAY distribute this package, provided that all
accompanying files are included, and that neither the game nor said
accompanying files have been edited or otherwise altered in any way
shape or form.
This text file is (C) 2001 by
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